Sunday, April 17, 2022

The Island Time Forgot

Some of these are among the best photos I've ever taken.  I'm not bragging -- any great photos are because of my subjects, not due to any skill I might have.

Anyhow, there's probably too many photos here, but can you blame me?

Morning sunrise

Part of the caldera that is Darwin Bay

Birds were the main attraction at
Darwin Bay, but there were
other creatures as well.

Red footed boobie

The Nazca Boobie is also called

The masked Boobie.

Cactus blossom.

Swallow-tailed gull

Red feet generally indicates a 
Red-footed Booby.  My science
chops are unreal.

Whale bones.  Never saw a whale on
this trip, but such is life. . .have seen
plenty of whales in Alaska, the Arctic,
and Antartica.  Maybe I can only see
them in places that start with "A."
(Editor: What about New Zealand? 
Blogger: Well, it's close to Australia!)

Classic Red Footed Booby

A pile of bird bones.  I wonder if this is a
collection that various people add to as
they find the bones?

Molting Boobie.

I'm not good at taking photos of birds in
flight, but I got enough of this puffed-up
frigate bird to include the picture.

A molting bird looks a bit like an
awkward teenager with acne.

The two birds were not interacting, but
I do like the wing spread while the other
seeks a mate.

Magnificent Frigate bird,
trying to attract a mate.

Working on a nest.

The lagoon is beautiful, and
fun to tramp through.

Lava heron.

Andre and his mom, Claudia.

A random blogger.

Look at those whiskers!

A Zodiac departs, with a sea lion
not at all interested.  Don't worry,
that wasn't my group. . .I didn't
get left behind.

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