Monday, April 4, 2022

Death Is Old There, Older Than The Hills

Remember, the next line of the song is "younger than the mountains."  But, going to a several thousand year old (maybe older?) "pyramid" built by adobe and clay bricks with no mortar is pretty impressive.

(Dear readers: I put pyramid in quotes because while it is a pyramid in shape, it is not topped off like the Egyptian pyramids.)

We did not have time on our tour to go in, but Maria did a great job filling us in on the history of the site, which was used for ceremonial and administrative center during the Lima culture, which developed from 200 to 700 AD.  The Wari culture used it as well (in between Lima culture and Incas), and then the Incas used it.  

It primarily became a burial site, although in my hazy recall from lack of sleep I believe it was also used to human sacrifice by the Incas.  But, I could be wrong.

The bricks are standing up, not laying down.

This structure has survived countless
earthquakes because the bricks have
no mortar and are very tightly packed.

If we had an extra day in Lima,
it definitely would have been
great to take the tour.


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