Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Rando iPhone Photos That I Liked

Last night I was scrolling through my iPhone photos, and picked out a few random shots from the trip to make into a post.  After all, why not?

Bridge/Valley in Peru.  I think this is the
Sacred Valley of the Inca, but I
could be wrong.

Our waiter has done this before!

The Chipmunks.

Cusco at night.  The individual dots
are various houses going up
a mountain.

It's a dog party, a big dog party!
(By the way, the discussion over the
greatest children's book starts
with "Go Dog Go" and ends
with "Go Dog Go."


Rainbow at Machu Picchu

Another rainbow at Machu Picchu

Our musicians at Yaku
restaurant in Cusco.

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