Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Wild Peru Escape!

We got lucky with our nearly midnight drive back to Cusco to avoid getting caught in the transportation strike.

We got really, really lucky with our timing on getting out of Peru.  We were able to get to the airport in Cusco despite the President of Peru instituting a one month state of emergency, which included a curfew, due to the strike.

So far eleven people have died in protests, there has been looting of grocery stores and anger over inflation.  There were protests in all of the main square, including Plaza de Armas in Cusco and Plaza San Martin in Lima. 

When we said farewell to one of the guides at the Cusco airport, she expressed concern about being able to get home, as she lived not far out of Cusco.  The airport itself was blocked, so we had to go through a gate carrying our bags.

Boy, were we ever relieved to be in Ecuador.  I’m not sure what we would have done if our guides hadn’t moved quickly to get us back to Cusco.  There was no indication of problems the day we spent walking around in Cusco, but it all went badly the day we were leaving Peru on our way to Ecuador and the Galapagos. 

Ironically, this portion of our trip was called “Wild Peru Escape,” and we certainly escaped a wild situation in Peru!

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