Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Some photos by Sanjiv

Sanjiv Bansal took my request for answers to my questions (final blog post) very seriously.  He included photos to illustrate his points.  That blew my mind, because no one has ever done it before.  I didn't want to lengthen the last post -- it's already long.  However, some of the photos are so compelling that I had to include them in a separate post.  


All the birds and I didn't see one egg. 
Sanjiv nailed it with this photo!

One more picture of Machu Picchu:
definitely NOT one too many.

I posted any number of photos
of Magnificent Frigate birds,
but Sanjiv's photo did a great
job of capturing the green 
feathers.  I'm green with envy!

This is a very cool shot up
Prince Phillip's steps. I'm
above in red with goofy hiking
hat.  Nancy is below me, then
Mary, and finally Meena.
Sanjiv deserves huge props
for telling us to turn around
so he could get this shot.

I love, love, love this shot of Sanjiv
and Meena at Ollantaytambo.
(And I don't even have to look
up the spelling of it!)

Hawk in Peru at Inka 
del Tambo in Urubamba.

Remember how I noted I'm not good at 
taking pictures of birds in flight.  Well,
not only is Sanjiv a better orthopedic
surgeon than I am, he's better at
taking pictures of hummingbirds!

By the way, I know I've mentioned this in passing, but Carol and I look forward to many years of friendship with Sanjiv and Meena, and with Charles and Sharilynn.  Great people, and their already warm friendship that we developed on this trip is a significant bonus.

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