Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How To Find A Great Restaurant, Provided You Stay Alive On The Way There

There are a lot of good to great restaurants all over the world.  Some of the great are literal holes in the wall (for example, our Southeast Asia trip earlier this year, where we had fantastic meals for between $1.50 and $5.00).

But there are also a lot of mediocre to bad restaurants out there as well.

One way I like to give us an edge on picking a good restaurant is to go the Michelin Guide, and look for the less expensive restaurants that are either Bib Gourmand or simply "Selected" restaurants.  They aren't Michelin Star restaurants (which are fun to go to for a special occasion, but are both expensive and time-consuming), but are much more affordable and casual.

So our first night in Split, Zinfandel's Food and Wine Bar made the Michelin list, as did our second night's restaurant, Dvor.  Two Splitters (reminder: my nickname for the people of Split) said Dvor is the best restaurant in town -- both our DayTrip driver who took us from Dubrovnik to Split, and our Uber driver dropping us at Split.

Our Uber driver was quite a character.  And by "character" I meant we spent the ride alternatively being entertained and hoping we would get to Dvor alive.  He is a gregarious fellow who is a giant man.  And a talkative one.

(Editor: You already called him "gregarious."  Calling him a talkative man is duplicative.  

Writer: Well, he talked so much he needs both labels.)

The scary Uber Ride of Death part was when he kept reaching back, taking Maddy's cellphone, and typing in various important pieces of information, including where else to eat dinner, his friend's boat, which we should definitely go out on, and the location of the best viewpoint in Split.

And here's the amazing part.  He didn't miss a beat while driving.  Despite the fact that he did not have his undivided attention on the road, we didn't come close to swerving (I did come close to swearing).

Anyhow, Dvor was great, and was right down along the Adriatic (still cloudy, so the sunset was ruined, but, you know, what can you do?).
Us at Dvor.  With the Adriatic.

Maddy and I each had a couple
of oysters.  One note -- most
expensive oysters ever.  But 
we are on vacation!

We had a different Uber driver on the way back, and the ride wasn't anywhere near as thrilling.  And we were fine with that!

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