Monday, August 26, 2024

Pictures From The Rainy First Day

Pictures on cloudy days, well at least the ones I take, never look great.  But here are some from our first full day in Split

Part of Diocletian's Palace

The Peristyle is the square at the
heart of the Palace. At the back
 of this photo is where Diocletian's
living quarters were.

The tower of the Cathedral
of St. Domnius, the former
mausoleum of Diocletian.
The Cathedral is both the
smallest cathedral in the
world and the oldest building
to be a cathedral (it wasn't
built to be a cathedral, so
it's NOT the oldest
cathedral in the world).

The logo of the Split soccer team.
Apparently the owners of this
building near our apartment are
big fans.  Very cool logo you can
see lots of places.  They are currently
in fourth place in whatever league
Hajduk is in, with two wins and
two draws.  And that's your 
morning sports update.

I picked up some tasty
prosciutto and this photo
at the tiny butcher shop down
the street from our VRBO.

The Church and Convent of St. Francis,
just off the Trg Republike Square, 
which is a rectangle.  I include the
name of the square simply to point
out that the first word consistent of
three consonants and no vowels. 

The cloister of the Church and Convent.
It's right near Trg Republike Square,
which is famous for concerts and the
fact that the first word has no vowels.

(Editor: You already mentioned that.
Writer: I know.  It's just mnd blwng.)

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