Wednesday, August 28, 2024

It Was A Split Decision

(Editor: You had to use "Split decision," didn't you?  Sigh.

Writer: Oh come on!  If you thought I wouldn't use it at some point, you really don't know me, do you?)

After the fish market, we headed to the Green Market, weaving through the back streets of Split, past the famous Nakic House, through picturesque Narodni Trg, which includes the old City Hall, through the Iron Gate, and into Diocletian's Palace.  

From there we replicated the opening scene from the greatest movie of 1980, "Airplane," fighting our way through the crowds at the Peristyle, out through the Silver gate, and into the Green Market.

Maddy stopped to get coffee, so Carol and I stopped into a church (briefly).  We all met up and wandered around the outdoor Green Market, which is much livelier than the Fish Market in terms of number of stalls and the number of people.  The flip side is, you don't get as many great photos.

The Green Market is where the main road from the countryside used to enter Split, whilst the Fish Market is close to the Matejuska fishermen's port.  The Green Market is a mix of stands; vegetables, fruits, meat, clothes, and souvenirs.  

The fruit stands are the highlights, but there are also flower stands, dried fruits and nuts, local cheeses, cured hams, honey, butchers, and more.

Arched windows in Narodnj Trg.
You'd have to be blind not to know
these are Venetian windows.

Another city, another
Roman column.  Never
gets old, even though
they are old.

Look at those Roman
ruins, he said archly.

No such thing as too
many Roman arches.

Okay, it's not fish photos, but
I gotta admit, this fruit stand
is still fantastic!

Anybody hungry? I am!

That's it for this post.

(Editor: What the heck does any of this have to do with a "Split Decision."

Writer: Oh, nothing.  But I had to use the headline, and there was nothing else obvious for this post.  To be green, I may recycle the headline later for other blog posts re Split.

Editor: I should Split your head open!

Writer: Violence never solved anything.  Well, violence did get rid of Hitler.

Editor: When someone brings up Hitler they are losing an argument.

Writer: We weren't arguing.  Just disagreeing.)

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