Sunday, August 25, 2024

Like A Rolling Ston

Pictures from our visit to the village of Ston. . .focusing mostly on the Ston walls.  Something went wrong in my set up of this post, so if you want to see the photos, just click on the "Read more" orange link under the first photo.  Sorry -- I think I know what I did wrong, but am not sure I can undo it!

Maddy is fascinated by the cats in Croatia.
This cat was named "Kalamazoo," but
the cat was cool and he never said a
mumbling word.

The decision to build the wall
was a serious one.  Look at
how steep and rocky the hill is.

The gunnery team at the ready.

This gives an idea of how the wall goes --
up the mountain, with another, larger
defensive wall protecting the main part
of Ston.

The scale of the wall in the
city is clear from this picture.

A good picture of a cypress
tree will always make the blog.

The wall snakes across another 
part of the mountain above town.

The big hand says "okay."

A couple of selfies.

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