Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Photos Of The Fateful Ride

Fortunately, there are no pictures of the crash, nor of the ATV lying on its side.  But here are some photos from the excursion.

I took this picture of Carol before the
crash (obviously).  Not a bad pic
whilst driving!

(Editor: Maybe that's why
you crashed!  Writer, in
bitter voice: Maybe that's
why you crashed, tee hee.)

I guess I should have said
confession or something
when I had the chance.

A spectacular stand of cypress.

Before we left the parking lot.  Before
Carol's ATV died.  Before I crashed.
Good times, good times.

An easy road.

A random view shot.

The top of Mount Srd, post-crash.
I'm surprised I'm smiling!
Some of the mountain views we had.

Maddy and Lokrum Island.

Not bad for a post-crash photo of
Dubrovnik and Lokrum Island.

Another part of Dubrovnik from on high.

Might be the best photo I've taken
of a walled city after an ATV crash!

  I'm shocked Carol is smiling!

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