Friday, December 16, 2016

Back In The US, Back In The US, Back In The US of A

So, today was uneventful (I know I have two and half days still to write about -- hope to finish by Sunday!).  We were up early, and caught a cab to the airport.

The cabbie took us to the domestic terminal (terminal two) -- and he realized it was not the right place.  So he made us wait in the cab, got directions to the international terminal (it's not close to being next door!) and then drove us over.

Waiting to go through immigration, Carol went up and asked the officer if I could come up too, or was it just one person at a time.  The woman held up one finger, which, with my Spanish language skills, I swiftly translated as "one."  Carol helpfully turned around and held up one finger -- you know, in case I didn't understand the woman's single digit.

Then, I got in line for security -- with a guy with an Angola passport in front of me.  I flashed back to the late 1970s.  Far different times.

We breezed through immigration (thanks Global Entry!) and customs.  Now, we're having a drink with Carol's old college roommate, Cammy Clark at her house in the Florida Keys -- after spending the mid-day on South Beach looking at the Art Deco buildings.  Havana for breakfast, South Beach for lunch, and now the Keys for dinner.

More blogging tomorrow!

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