Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Old Man And The Sea. . .Kayak

So, I’ve now kayaked in Cuba.  Our first full day in Cuba, we spent most of the time hanging out on the beach.  I know that’s hard for fans of the Iron Tourist to believe, but Mrs. Iron Tourist wanted a day to do nothing, and she got it.

But, we still did some things.  I went out sea kayaking in the morning before lunch.  The waves were not as strong as they had been the day before.  In fact, Sunday they had shutdown the various water sports – kayaking, canoeing, snorkeling, catamaran.  Surprisingly, the SUP revolution has not come to Cuba.  If you are looking to be an enterprising businessperson in Cuba, might I suggest importing Stand Up Paddleboards.  I’ve even got a name for your business – What’SUP!  (The sound you hear is my daughters rolling their eyes after reading that great line.  Admit it, you laughed.)

It was easy to get beyond the breaking waves, and I paddled out as far as they would let me (a buoy marked the spot).  The water was crystal clear the entire way, even thought the depth was probably 10-15 feet in spots.  Also paddled near a group of 10-12 giant pelicans. . .larger than any pelican I’ve seen in the States.  As I got out further, the views up and down the coast line were amazing.

After I had been out for nearly my allotted time (30 minutes), riding the waves back in was easy.  So, now I’ve gone kayaking in Cuba, Antarctica, New Zealand, Costa Rica, the British Virgin Islands, Alaska, California, Hawaii, Virginia, and Maryland. . .and probably more places I will remember when I’m more awake than 7am.

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