Friday, December 23, 2016

My Brush With A Cuban Prison

So, we walked along the road from Christo de la Habana to El Morro.  To left, there is a display of rockets, guns, and planes that were used in the Bay of Pigs.

On the right of us was a youth military training school, with fences to keep everyone else out.  I took a picture of the barracks, with Carol admonishing me (it's how we roll) not to do it.  The title of the blog post is fake news -- no one came out demanding my camera, arresting me, or even interrogating me.  It was a bit of letdown -- our last chance at an international incident!

(Obviously, a lot of this is tongue in cheek -- had they demanded I delete the photo, I would have immediately.)  I would be ten years ago we could not have walked along that street and not been watched.  Now, things are changing.

Cuban military school from the road.
No Americans were bothered in the 
taking of this photograph.

Then we veered over to the left side of the road.  History is written by the winners, and so it was here -- military hardware used in the Bay of Pigs (or, in some cases not used, otherwise the rockets wouldn't have been in one piece!).  The Cuban government kindly had English translations for us, so I could easily read what each weapon did.

(The funny part -- Carol was so intent on translating for me that she didn't realize it was in English, until I started translating in unison with her -- then she figured something wasn't right!  And by "funny part" I mean to me, not necessarily to her.)

A little roadside history lesson.

A Soviet MIG

Palm trees and rockets

Wing from the U-2 plane shot down
during the Cuban missile crisis.

Other pieces from the U-2 plane

Not every 1950s car is in perfect shape.
Although still looks pretty good!

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