Friday, December 23, 2016

Meeting (Eric) Fidel Castro

After breakfast, we walked out front to catch a cab over to El Morro.  The bellman asked if we wanted a convertible.  I pondered the question for less than a nanosecond, and said yes.

Partway there, I had a flash of inspiration -- instead of touring El Morro, and then walking to the Christo Statue, and back to catch a cab back to the main city, we would just get dropped at Christo and walk one way.  Wiley E. Coyote, Super Genius! has nothing on me!

After some photos with the 1958 Chevy, we walked over to the statue.  The security guy was quite friendly -- his name is Eric Fidel Castro, and he made a big show over telling us we could now claim to have met Fidel Castro.  Then he took our picture a variety of ways -- a very friendly guy.  Of course, we tipped him a few dollars (actually American this time, because we had singles.  Like me, Cubans are fine with accepting dollars.)

1958 Chevy

Havana from the Christo Statue

Che's post-revolution house

Our new friend Eric knew
all the photos to take.

Eric also saved us some money, advising us it wasn't worth spending the entrance fee to go into Che's house.

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