Saturday, December 17, 2016

More of Old Havana

The hard part with the photos is NOT including many photos.  So many great scenes to choose from.  Here's some more:
Restaurant on Cathedral Square.  Note the
doors and balcony on the second floor.

Henry's photo framing skills aren't the
best, but it's us and the Cathedral.

Mailbox.  Still in use.

Old Havana street.

Cannons make effective 
barricades to keep cars
out of Old Havana.

This is a statue of someone, in
a courtyard that's. . .heck
I don't remember, but check out
the arches and palms.

Look closely -- the rocks were wedged 
in the tree by the heavy wind of a storm. 

Elementary students taking their lesson outside.

Cannons at Castillo de la Fuerza

Christo de la Habana

Typical Havana convertible.

Some dude in a cool corner park.

Plaza Vieja

Interesting art on a wall.

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