Saturday, December 17, 2016

City Center

The Gran Teatro, with convertible
row in the foreground.

Our sweet ride

Che is everywhere!

Modeled on the US Capitol, 
paid for with mobster money.

Another statue
of Jose Marti

A tree growing out of an apartment building
that has not been refusbished.

The Spanish coat of arms for Cuba.
The key represents that Cuba is the
key to the Caribbean, and the three
towers represent the three forts.  The
crown represents Spain.

The old Bacardi building.
I wonder how much Fidel
paid the Bacardi family for it?
(Don't bombard me with comments,
I know it was taken from them.)

A beautiful street

Another part of the
old city walls.

Fidel's tank from the Bay
of Pigs.  He fired one shot.

The old presidential palace, this is now
the Museum of the Revolution.  We didn't
get there, but will tour it next time.

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