Friday, December 23, 2016

Fabrica de Arte Cubano

So i read about this funky modern art place on Trip Advisor, and I figured it was worth a go.  Turns out Charlie Cook had been there the last time he was in Cuba (happy ending -- he liked the art there this time a LOT more).

It was open Thursday-Sunday from 8pm to 2am (we weren't staying that late), had tapas and a bar, and often had live music (but not till later in the evening, as it turns out).  Unlike the art museum, this art captured my fancy.  We wandered through the small rooms, finding colorful art that delighted the sense.  Having a cold cerveza helps to loosen the vibe.

Really, I'm going to let the art tell the story:

Putting your own interpretation is "key"
to understanding this piece.  (Get it?)

There were probably eight different colors to this.
I worked to spare the readers pictures of all.

Charlie and Lucy Cook

The art of art interpretation, by
the famed Charlie Cook.  First,
open a beer.  Drink.  Tilt head.

This is both colorful and cool.

Fabrica de Arte Cubano (FAC for short) is quite a cool place, which means that, for going there, I'm super cool too.  (Don't worry friends, the coolness quotient has worn off, and I'm back to being me.)

We then popped next door to yet another cool paradar, el Cocinero (also in the Vedado neighborhood, but far from the Hotel Nacional).  We ate outside, next to the smokestack that defines the place.  

Lobster again!  And the rest of the food was great, as was the wine.  Very funky place, and it was a great way to end our trip to Cuba.  If you were to tell me before the trip we wouldn't have a bad meal in Cuba, I would not have believed you.  In fact, most of the meals were not just good, but great.  An American in Havana would do well to have dinner everywhere we did.

After getting back to the hotel, we retired immediately, as we would be up and out early the next morning.  

After spending what we had left in CUCs at Duty Free on Cuban coffee, cigars, and cookies, we didn't have much left.  But, we did buy dry ham sandwiches for breakfast, making it the one bad meal we had in Cuba.  Airport food -- figures!

Cuba out.  And no, I haven't had lobster since we returned from there!

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