Friday, November 12, 2021

A Random Walk Down Rua Cinco de Outubro

After the church, we walked down Rua Cinco de Outubro, one of the main shopping streets of the town,  back to Giraldo Square.  But first, we stopped in a beautiful ceramics store and ended up buying six pieces, including two as gifts.  

You may assume I stood outside in the street whilst Carol shopped, and you would be right wrong.  Heck, I led the charge.  I'm pretty sure Carol was happy for me to do it, because I just kept saying, "let's get this, let's get that," and she was happy for me to spend money.  She did pick out a few things too, and agreed with my recommendations.  The bill was far less than I expected, so we got some great colorful local ceramics at a very fair price.

If you like colorful, awesome-
looking serving dishes, these
fit the bill.

If you DON'T like colorful, awesome-
looking serving dishes, what is 
wrong with you?

We took a break at a pastry shop on the square, sat in the square by the fountain, and people watched.  There are some number of beggars in Portugal, but not many, and they are not overwhelming.  We gave money to a few folks during the trip, but waved many more off, and they would leave us alone.

With the ceramics well-wrapped but still breakable, we hoofed it the more than half mile back to the car.

Crown on the fountain.

Giraldi Square, 16th century marble fountain,
and Church of Santo Antao, also from
the16th century

The aqueduct in full sunshine.

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