Wednesday, November 3, 2021

My Blue Heaven

Well if you haven't figured out by now that I really love the blue Portuguese tile (and that which is also blue and yellow too!), then I don't know how to make it clearer to you!

Our third stop on the tour was at a small tile factory, Sao Simao Tiles in Azeitao.  John knew enough about the tile making process that he took us back into the main manufacturing area (given that it was a Sunday, there was only one person working) and walked us through step-by-step.  

John telling Carol what to do.  I
never get that same opportunity.

So, when we get back home, Carol and I are ready to start our own factory!  Just kidding, there is no way we can remember the step-by-step process.  Plus, it has the added disadvantage of seemingly like too much work!  However, we do plan to buy some tiles to decorate with.

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