Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Fort of São Filipe de Setúbal

Heading back to the car after the market, we couldn't remember exactly where John had parked.  Thankfully, I wasn't in charge, as I guessed wrong, whilst he and Carol both remembered correctly.  John outsmarted the half-marathon organizers and was able to get to the next stop, the Fort of Sao Filipe de Setubal, without any trouble at all.

The fort is perched high on a hill above Setubal and the Sado River.  Normally it affords impressive views all around, but we were socked in by clouds.  At least it wasn't raining.  We wandered around the fort, including up the impressive entry way, and around to the semi-views.

Carol and John in front
of the gate to the Fort.

Very cool entry hallway, from 
the top looking down.

The chapel.  If you aren't a fan of
the blue tile, I apologize for showing
so many photos of it, but really. . .

. . .that's a you problem!

I'm showing this photo so you don't think I'm just 
whining about the weather for no good reason.
  There IS good reason for me to be a weather whiner!

The Portuguese have re-purposed
old windmills as homes, including
as AirBnBs.  Pretty cool.

Leaving, it was our turn to
pose in front of the gate.

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