Sunday, November 7, 2021

Pretty As A Pena Palace Picture(s)


I didn't take this photo (can't you tell? 
The sun is out!), but wanted to give 
my readers an idea of the picture 
of Pena Palace.

The rest of the photos are mine.

Approaching the Palace.

Guard tower

Moorish design

But the biggest kick I ever got, was doing
a thing called the Crocodile Rock.

A brief moment of sun.
 Then it was gone.
The famed clock tower.

The Queen and King's coat of arms.

There is no such thing as too many
pictures of a clock tower.

Triton is an angry Greek god.

Ropes, tiles, and Moorish designs.

Impressive window.  However,
no one has ever been defenestrated
out of it, that I know of.

Arches and tiles and columns, oh my!

Time for a photo of a whimsical turtle,
holding up a huge clam shell fountain.

Like clock towers, it's great to include tile
photos in the blog.  Everyone loves them!

A small cloister.

One more tile photo isn't enough,
but that's what we have.

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