Friday, November 5, 2021

Avis: We Don't Try Harder

We cabbed it over to the airport to pick up our rental car and start the rest of our trip.  There was no counter in the rental car pick up area, so I popped into the terminal and found a lengthy wait.  

There were two Avis windows open out of five.  One group of three was spending so much time that while they were occupying one employee when I got there, and they were still there when I left, nearly an hour later.   I don't know if they were trying to rent a car or negotiating to buy the whole company!

The best was when four people were working behind the counter, but only helping two groups.  Employees came in and out from behind the counter, mostly to exchange good mornings with each other.  No effort was being made actually help customers.

Finally a third counter was opened!  Progress!  Nope, it just meant that the one semi-efficient worker could go on his break.  I finally made it to the front of the line (it was only three deep when I started).  Just then, like a vision from heaven, a young woman came out and opened a third counter.  Then a fourth opened!  

The funny thing is, my transaction took about five minutes.  Sigh.

Went triumphantly out to rental car lot, got in the car, and it wouldn't start.  Unbelievable.  I am usually a pretty calm person, (I have to be with my job), but I do not handle technology problems well.  I have it in my head that this stuff is supposed to work.  

I went to find out what was wrong with the car.  Whilst I was gone, Carol flagged down a nice French gentleman who showed her the trick even though they didn't speak the same language.  Turns out it VERY dark in the garage, and I couldn't see the place to stick the key fob into the dashboard.  There's no key, so I presumed it was a keyless start vehicle, like two of our cars at home.  That solved, we went off on our merry way to the Coast.

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