Monday, November 1, 2021

The Refectory, and da Gama, Pessoa Tombs

Besides the tomb of da Gama and photo of the South (main) Portal of the church, you will note there are not any other photos of the church itself.  It's just not that interesting, although we did sit for a bit and admire the elephant tombs that serve as burial places for two kings and two queens of the 16th Century.

The ornate South Portal, with carvings of Henry
the Navigator (one of the coolest nicknames of
all-time, right up there with Andre "Bad Moon"
Rison), St. Jerome, and King Henry (not
the 8th though).

Detailed caravel on the tomb of. . .

Vasco da Gama, 1469-1524.  Died in India.

Column detail for you to enjoy.

Portuguese tiles are all around the Refectory.

Detail of the ceiling in Pessoa's tomb.  He was
a beloved Portuguese poet.  Great poets
mean a lot to the people of Portugal.

Holding up a casket would
hurt my back too much!

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