Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Fish Market "Porn"

Then John took us back to the fish market.  Because it was a Sunday, it was not full of fish sellers, but most stalls were filled.  Some many cool fish, many I've heard of and many I have not.  Frankly, I could wax poetic (Editor's Note: more like "wax pathetic" the way you write, amirite?) about the fish market, but will instead let a bunch of photos do the work.

Warning, vegans and vegetarians might want to skip these next photos.  If you like fresh fish, however, please do not droll on your laptop, phone, or tablet.

Row of fish typical at the market.

Yet another row of fish.

It's not Bill Parcells, but it is the Big Tuna.

We call them swordfish, but the
Portuguese call them marlin.

So how do you prepare this if you
buy it?  I get that it goes into a 
stew, but it's got the long "sword."

Squids.  Originally I ID'd these as cuttlefish.  But
I was wrong.  I promise you that won't be the
last time I'm wrong!

They gut and prep the fish to order.

Percebes!  A favorite of mine.  John was
impressed that we eat it regularly!

The other marlin's cousin, I presume.

Everyone says, "you've got to eat the octopus
in Portugal."  I've had it a couple times.
Now I say, "you've got to eat the octopus
in Portugal!"

And, apropos of nothing, a pig's
foot thrown in to the photo mix
for good measure.

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