Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Angkor Wat Photos

Okay, there's going to be a lot of photos.  Sorry, but they are cool.  There are others that are fantastic that I didn't include.  Scroll through slowly if you want to see each photo, or scroll quickly if you want to get to the next post.

Turns out there are 40+ pictures here.  As Bun would say, "Oh my Buddha!"  As I would say, OMB!"

Without question, Carol took
the best selfie of the trip.

Thank goodness for the
wooden stairs.  Otherwise
I'd be dead given how
steep AND small the
stone stairs are.

Cool hallway.

Pat looks confused.
Glen looks overweight.
Both of us in our 
normal state.

Pat and Terri coming down
the scary stairs of death.
Going up was easier.

One of the towers up on top.

And another tower.

Carol and Pat.

The wall carving behind us served as
the inspiration for "Dancing Queen."

A monk and a courtyard.

A congregation of monks.

Group pic on our way out.

The towers nicely framed.

Gotta love the need for signs in the
bathrooms on how to properly
use a toilet.

This shot was used for the cover
of our 1960s folk album.

Ron, guiding.

Love this hallway.

"So rock me momma like a wagon wheel,
Rock me momma anyway you feel,
Hey, momma rock me."

Evidence has been uncovered that
this carving inspired the song

"War, War, what it is good for, 
absolutely nothing, say it again."

(Editor: Is everything a 60s, 70s, or 80s
song lyric with you?  Writer: Not
everything!  Almost everything.)

Click on this pic to get
a better look at the
horse in battle.

The hounds of hell?

I knew it!  Proof that the Planet
of the Apes actually happened!

After my high school graduation I went
to Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ.

"Her name was Lola,
she was a showgirl."

Not sure of the purpose of these, but
there are many scattered around
the temple walls.  And they are cool.

Apsara Dancers, a long-standing
(long-dancing?) traditional
Cambodian artform.

(And, no, I'm not making that
up -- Google it if you don't trust
me.  Btw, I don't blame you
if you don't trust me!)

Buddhas with cloths.  The
cloths aren't ancient, just
put on every so often.
One of the outbuildings of the temple.

The discovery of an ancient duster by me,
an amateur archeologist  rocked the
historians, until they carbon-dated the
duster and found it was from 2023.
And there went my shot at glory!

Buildings and jungle.

My instructions were
simple: "Stand, Pat."

Terri and Pat.

Neil Diamond's first draft of
the lyrics are little known:
"I'll be what I am, solitary
monk, solitary monk,"
but when the rest of the song
was about cheating,
Diamond rewrote the chorus
as "solitary man."  And
the rest is history.

Orange you glad I took a bunch of
photos of monks at Angkor Wat?

It's amazing how similar each carving is.

A battle of Siamese crocodiles,
now an endangered species.

Goliath showed up here
to help his friends.

Leaving Angkor Wat.

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