Friday, February 9, 2024

Cu Chi Tunnel Photos

Well, WordPress has flipped the order of the photos on me once again.  So, if you want to see the photos in order, start at the bottom and go to the top.  But I don't think it is a big deal, even though I'm acting like it is!


Like Elvis, Ho Chi
Minh is everywhere.

The tunnel from the
commander's "office"
back to the exit.  I
had to crawl through
to make it.

The commander's office.  Quite posh eh.

Bun comes out of the 20 meter tunnel
that I didn't go into it because I
would have gotten stuck and started
crying like a baby.  Or so I believe.

It's hard to tell from the photo just how
massive the bomb crater is, but trust me.

The Viet Cong would wear
sandals designed to make their
footprints appear like they
were walking in the direction
opposite to how they actually
were going.

Vicki on top of a tank.

An example of a punji pit.  If I got
impaled on that I would scream like
a baby until someone shot me to
put me out of my misery.

Ron shows just how well
camouflaged the entrances
to the tunnels were.  Look
 what he is holding
above his head.

A worker shows off a tunnel
entrance.  I'd be too
claustrophobic to go in,
even back in the day when
I was thin! 

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