Monday, February 12, 2024

Photos From The Prison/Genocide Museum

Well, WordPress once again uploaded the photos backwards, so the photos are not in the same order as the narrative in the article above.  Either way, it's a terrible topic.

A memorial to the prisoners.

A row of cells.

The outside of one of the prison "dorms."

A collection of the leg irons.

Faces of the murdered.

Pol Pot, another face of evil
from last century, along with
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mao.
Anyone I've left out is my
mistake, not on purpose.

Ron, our guide for the Killing
Fields and the prison.

When this was a high school, kids played
on this.  When it was a prison, it was
used to string people up and dislocate
their shoulders.  And for worse.

The only seven men who survived the
prison, lucky to not have been killed.

The dark marks are blood stains on the
ceiling.  Click on the photo to enlarge.

The "lunch box" that prisoners
used to relieve themselves.
They were allowed to dump
it once a week.  Spilling the
contents meant you had to
lick it up off the floor.

Next time you see an artist tout their work as depicting "man's inhumanity to man," remember the real inhumanity is on display in Holocaust museums, museums about the Killing Fields, and more.

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