Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Leave A Tinder Moment Alone

Our first activity in Ha Long Bay was to go to an island with a hike to cave.  We tendered over and then hiked up to the cave. 

(I kid you not – there are some single people on the trip and one of them, who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent, thought the app “Tinder” is actually “Tender.”  Old people, you know what I mean?)

(Editor: Wait, you told that story just so you could bastardize the Billy Joel lyrics as your headline?  Writer: Pretty much, yeah.)

The cave was comfortable enough to stand in at points, although there is one point where I had to crawl through a very tiny opening.  The good news is that I didn’t actually hit my head in the cave. 

(Editor: Good news for you maybe, but not your readers.  Writer: You are the same height as me – I wish you had banged your head on a wall of the cave.)

The cave has two openings; the one we went in, and the higher up one we left from.  We spent some time at the top looking out over the pretty views, before hiking back down an outside trail that’s not in the caves.

It wasn’t a long activity, but it was a good one.  Carol, alas, stayed on the boat in her room.

Our ship from the island of the cave.

Part of the cave

A bunch of the cavers -- I think I was still 
crawling through the tight spot when
this picture was taken.

Post-cave, ready to hike
back to the tender.

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