Thursday, February 15, 2024

Did You Ever Know That You're My Hero?


Sign outside the entrance to
the APOPO Visitor's Center

HeroRAT getting a treat
after finding a landmine.

Searching for landmines.

I'm holding out for a hero!

One of the trainers shows
off one of the rats.

An example of a bomb found by a heroRAT.
The explosive material has been removed.

Until the mines are cleared,
this sign stays up.

In his five year career, Magawa sniffed
out more than 100 land mines and
explosive devices.  The BBC did an
article on him when he died in 2022.
He cleared more than 1.5 million
square feet of land.  What he
could search in 20 minutes would
take a person with a metal detector
several days.

Examples of landmines that have been
found by HeroRATS.  All explosives
have been removed.

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