Sunday, February 18, 2024

iPhone Photos From The Last Two Days Of The Trip

I can't take credit for many of these -- fellow travelers sent them on the group WhatsApp, they were saved to my phone, and I'm posting them.  Alas, I'm not going to figure out who took which pics, but do know I appreciate your photos.  While these are in no particular order, they are fun. 

So the four of us in front were doing the
Abbey Road cover.  Pat was marching
to the beat of a different drummer,
probably Pete Best.  (Writer: See, it's
 funny because Best was the drummer
before Ringo Starr.  Editor: Why do
you feel the need to explain your

Becky and Mark crash Pat's
album cover photo shoot.

So this is cool.  I'm not even
sure how to describe the
"chimney" that Dat had
us pose below.

Ron has a second career as a songwriter
and recording artist.  This is such a good
photo that it COULD be an album cover.

Spectacular photo.

Group shot.

Same tree, same group, different picture.
Bun has a butterfly on his hand!

Becky reaching the top of
the Royal Temple.

Carol at the top of the 
Royal Temple.

Group pic inside the gate
of Angkor Thom City.

(left to right:) Glen, Buddha, Carol.
That's known as "Resting Buddha Face."

Buddha, Glen, Bun, and Carol.

Pointing out the two gibbons
up high in the trees.

Glen's attempt at art, an angled
picture of Ron.  I did take a regular
picture of him as well.

Hanging at the pool during
happy hour, showing off my
new "HeroRAT" t-shirt.

Whoever took this picture
of the Royal Temple got a
great pic.  My attempt from 
essentially the same angle
wasn't nearly as good.

Tree selfie.

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