Sunday, February 18, 2024

Photos From The Final Day

Ugh, WordPress flipped the photo order, so these are exactly backwards from the order of what we actually did!

This was supposed to be the last photo
of the trip, and the caption was going
to say "Anything that's not about an
elephant is irrelephant!"  It's called the 
elephant terrace, and I'm jealous!

I think this is part of the elephant
terrace, but I could be wrong.

The Royal Palace.

One of the two gibbons.  Couldn't get a
clear photo.  The two were quite loud!

Becky, Carol, Ron, and Pat
coming down the stairs
from the top of the Royal

This picture of Carol gives you
some idea just how huge the
Royal Temple is.

Another view of the Royal Temple

Baby monkey with the baby momma
at Baphuoun Temple in Angkor
Thom City.  Thom is Wat's younger
brother from the Angkor family.
(Editor: Sigh, don't make stuff up
to confuse your readers!)

Hey, hey, we're The Monkees,And people say we monkey around,But we're too busy singing,To put anybody down

"Let's put our heads together and see
what great ideas we come up with."

Two Buddha faces at Baphoun Temple

Bayon Temple

The gate at Baphoun Temple

She's lost her lower body!

They lost their heads in the
reconstruction of the temple wall!

I think this is part of Baphoun Temple.
Unless it's Bayon Temple instead.
Heck, I don't remember!

The inspiration for a book by Theodor
Geisel.  Title: One Fish, Two Fish,
Red Fish, Blue Fish.

These guys started a little-known
Cambodian hamburger joint named
"Three Guys."  It didn't last.

Remains of what I believe to be a stone lion.

Bayon Temple.

An entry gate to Angkor Thom.

"Better run through the jungle
Whoa, don't look back."
From a song by the best damn
band in the whole damn land.

A view of the gate
to Angkor Thom.

A three-headed elephant.

Flip the stone to turn that
frown upside down!

Another spotting of Bigfoot.

Just outside the gate.

The moat just outside the
entrance to Angkor Thom.

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