Monday, February 12, 2024

Kickboxing Photos

I was a sports reporter/columnist on my student newspaper in college, not a sports photographer.  Alas, much to my chagrin, many of my photos of the fights were blurred at the point of action -- the punch, the kick, the face recoiling in pain.  

So while Sports Illustrated is shut down, none of these would have been published back in the magazine's hay day of the 1970s and 80s.  But, as Donald Rumsfeld inartfully said, "you go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or the army you wish to have at a later date."  So these are the best of the sorry lot of photos I have.  

It's still a cool way to capture the zeitgeist of the evening.

There were some knockouts.  But there
were also a lot of punches that just missed.

Never been to a fight with kicking before.
I'm underwhelmed by the impact of the
kicks, but that doesn't mean I'd want
one aimed at me.

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