Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Hanoi Cyclo Tour Photos

 Random street scenes snapped from my cyclo throne as we cruised around Hanoi.

Considered buying both of the male
outfits, but Carol used her veto pen
for some inexplicable reason.

7/11 dominates in Thailand, but Circle
K is huge in Vietnam.  Didn't see
American c-stores in Laos or Cambodia.
Oh well, their loss.

Every street has one massage/nail
shop.  Except for the streets that
have more, such as this one.

Look at all the stuff piled on that bike.

A typical sidewalk restaurant scene in Hanoi.

Gotta love the decorations in this pic.

Food truck?  Give me a food bike anytime.
American restauranteurs just aren't
trying hard enough. (wink emoji).

The streets are replete with
food vendors carrying their
wares this way, until they 
plop down at a spot to sell.

The cathedral of Hanoi.

A typical chaotic street scene in Hanoi.

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