Friday, September 29, 2017

Ainzon VRBO

Every room had these beautiful beams.

Our adopted kitten, d'Artagnan
(bonus points for those who know
the literary reference.  Carol did.
I did not.)

At $68 per night, this was our abode
the first two nights in Spain.

Our host's impressive house.

I absolutely love cypress trees.

The whole Roosters crow at the crack of dawn
thing?  It's a myth.  They crow whenever
the heck they want to.

Note the fish.  (Click on the photo)

Somehow in Aragon the moon gets quite close.

A small part of the olive grove.

Olive gardens in the foreground,
wine cellars across the valley.
Just like my view at home.

A feast!

Two nights, four bottles of vino.
In the Bolger household, we call
that a good start.

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