Thursday, September 14, 2017

Camp Scenes -- First Night, First Morning

It looks tranquil (and it is!), although here you
don't need a weather vane to know which
way the wind blows at night.

Powell's Point to the east, with the sun going
 down in the west (really, Glen --the sun sets
 in the west?  Way to advance science!)

Also Powell's Point

The campfire (what else would it be?)

Sunrise to the east (again with the science!)

I'm not bluffing -- this is a cool picture of camp.

Basically, this sign tells us we are where
we are supposed to be.  So that helped.

Powell's Point.  Red sky.  Cool picture.

As Jeff Foxworthy would say, "here's your sign."

Sorry, but I loved this bluff.

Ooohhh -- art and all that.  (See, the blog's 
photographer used the pines as a filter for the 
sun, and it's pretty cool.  Kudos to him!)

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