Thursday, September 14, 2017

Calf Creek Hike Photos

Okay, so there's a lot:

I see a good moon rising

Carved by the power of water.

Looking up valley.

There's that moon again.

Looks a bit like a dinosaur head.

Fremont Native American pictograph,
dating back an estimated 1,000 years.

This photo of Amanda giving us perspective
on the geology gives perspective on the size
of the cliff walls.

In case you are wondering how
big 92 feet look at the people.
They are actual life-sized.

Our blogger at play.

Kelly in a reflective moment.

The flowers of the prickly pear cactus.

These streaks are called something geological,
and I am hoping Amanda sees this and
emails me the answer.

The group tramping whilst glamping.

Click on the photo to enlarge and spot the bee.

I got clouds on a sunny day.

DJ Jazzy Chance.

Take a Chance on me.

Look in the blue sky at the top left.
See the bee droning in?  
Wow, Glen, you took a great shot!
Uh, yeah.  Let's go with lucky.

The lush green Calf Creek Valley.

Photo of a group photo.
Makes you think, eh.

Stunning vista.

Our beloved blogger.

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