Monday, September 18, 2017

You Got to Get a Little Mud on the Tires

To evac the camp, our guides drove the van and trailer Wednesday night out down about 10 miles to a resort, where they picked up three six seated Ranger ATVs.  With the forecast for rain all night and Thursday, it was the prudent course of action.

Of course, that meant mud for us!  The guides put our luggage in black plastic bags, strapped it all on the back (except our backpacks), loaded us up, and off we went.  Careening down the mud-strewn roads at 30-35 mph, it was a lot more fun than slogging thru the mud in the van.

Quickly the mud flecked up on to our faces and ponchos.  As it turns out, my hat wasn’t on right and it flew right off my head.  Tom, a West Point grad, used his still cat-like reflexes to snag it before it ended up on (or off) the road.

Eventually the fun ride ended.  Just standing up resulted in mud falling in gobs off my poncho and my face.  Everybody in the group enjoyed our unusual, and memorable, departure.

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