Friday, September 15, 2017

Fairyland Photos -- Part Deux

Here's the best of the second batch of photos from Fairyland (the written post is below this).  Some readers love the photos, others say I post too many.  I post what I want -- if you think these are too many photos, scroll past them.  Or write your own darn blog!

Anywhere else in the country outside of the 
Southwest, a formation like this would be a
major tourist attraction.  Here, people blow past it.

The Cowboy Boot. 

Just your run of the mill Bryce view.

Close up.

Far away.  (Yes, that's the same
rock as the photo above this one.)

My brother Rick is an expert on arches.  I'm
content to photograph run of the mill holes in rocks.

I also enjoy the stark beauty of interesting dead trees.


Rich and Janice from the Windy City.

Yes, that is Powell's Point in the distant distance.

The guy in the cotton green t-shirt is your
faithful blogger.  I needed one action shot
so my mom knows I actually hiked instead
of just took pictures.  Hi mom!

Anybody else feel the urge to run out
and enjoy an orange creamsicle right now?

Cat rock.

See how close I was to this?. . .

Well, not very.  

Those dots are the group.  This 
is for perspective. . .and the cliff
goes much further down than up.

The Reverse REI Gang.

It's all about the scale.

Apparently, our photographer
doesn't tire of taking the close-up
then regular distance photos.

After the heavy rain.  And the hail.
 And then the heavy rain again.

This hike wasn't that hard. After all, how hard
can it be to go hiking in southern Utah?
(just then, the soundtrack in my head played
some ominous notes!)
(Wait, doesn't everyone have
a soundtrack in their head?)
(Editor's Note: Enough of the 
parenthetical asides!)

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