Saturday, September 30, 2017

Monte Urgull, and Two Churches

Looking northeast from one of
the batteries on Monte Urgull.

Zurriola Beach

The Christ Statue high
atop Monte Urgell. 

Part of San Sebastian, and the Bay of Biscay.

Tranquil setting.

Santa Clara Island

Across the Bay.

We were quite welcomed here, and 
they even used our native language!
(Kidding, we DID feel welcome here,
one rotten apple shouldn't spoil the whole bunch.)

Paintings on a school building. . .or. . .
the dangerous encouragement of graffitti
at a young age.  You decide!

Interesting modern artwork inside
the Basilica of Saint Mary.  I love
the explosion of colors. 

Going for baroque.

You don't see this on every 
basilica in Spain!

Church of San Vicente.

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