Thursday, September 28, 2017

Photos from the Monasterio de Veruela

The entry tower and gate.

In the wine museum.  It's a little
weird, but kind of cool, too.

Olive this tree.

The view down to the monastery.

We would like a door within
a door for our house too.

The west front of the abbey church.

The tower.

View down the entrance to the cloisters 

The meals were passed from the kitchen to the 
monks in the dining hall through this opening.
Sort of like a drive-through window at 
Chik-fil-a, but without the friendly employees.

The dining hall.

Adornment atop the dining hall.

Hey, what's Voldemort doing here?

Forget gutters, I want this downspout at home!

The cloisters are modeled on Westminster Abbey.

This thing was protecting
an old dead guy's tomb.

Imagine holding that up for centuries.

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