Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fairyland Photos -- 1st Set

Our trusty van/bus/shuttle/vehicle.  
A great photographer never inserts
him/herself into their work.  So
please pretend my shadow is not there.

The start of the hike.

A close up of the hoo doo on the
right in the picture above this one.

If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning, 
I'd hammer in the evening, all over this land. . .
I'd hammer out love between my brothers
and my sisters all over this land.
(second time I've quoted this song,
but can you blame me?  Didn't think so.)

It's a Hoo Doo party!

Okay, so my shirt is messed up.  Are you surprised?

Cool bark.

If you see how big these are, you'll
know the tree was, well, pretty old.

Ten of our eleven hikers
that day.  One's missing.

Mom gets upset if I'm never
actually pictured in the blog.
Hi mom!

It looks like an old European walled city.

Amy was vying with me to take the most
photos.  Honestly, I am not sure who won.

This looks a bit like an old-fashioned movie camera.

I call this "Moon and the Devil's Horns."

It was neat to hear our group sing "The Hills
Are Alive with the Sound of Music" as they
hiked.  (#Fakenews)

Rich and Janice.

Cool backlighting by nature.

Holy smokes -- what a cool pic!

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