Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fotos From Our Food Tour

Don and Jennifer by
one of the city gates.

Lively balcony decoration.


The Grosse Cloch bell. (Bonus
for readers: bell-ringing joke

The city of Bordeaux's crest.

Interesting street art, although since it's on a
building, shouldn't it be called "building art?"

You don't need a weatherman to
know which way the wind blows.
You only need a lion weathervane.

Loaves of fresh-baked bread emitting
especially delicious aromas.

Don goofing around
with the street art.

Shrimps at the market.

In the last moments of his life,
he was caught by surprise!

The protest on behalf of the killers on
October 7th did not attract many people.

Bonus joke: The bellringer of Notre Dame has died, so the priests are holding open auditions for the new bellringer.  The pay is good and the job comes with housing and meals.  So there is a long line of people applying for the job, and most aren't any good at bellringing.

Up steps a man with no arms.  The priests debate amongst themselves.  Finally they agree to let him try, mostly because they are curious if he can even get the bell to ring.

He strikes the bell hard with his face, and it makes the most melodious tone.  They have him do it again -- same amazing sound.  The sound was the most beautiful ever.  

The armless man is hired.  For months he rings, and the sound is so exquisite that passersby hearing it for the first time break down in tears.

One day, disaster strikes.  He swings and misses, falling down the middle of the bell tower to his death below.  

Two priests rush over to check on him.  

Realizing he's dead, one turned to the other and asked, "What was his name?"

And the other said, "I don't know his name, but his face sure rang a bell."

I'll see myself out.

(Editor: You think that's remotely funny?

Writer: Hey, all over the world the sound you hear is peals of laughter from my readers.

Editor: "Peals?"  Sigh.)

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