Sunday, September 15, 2024

We Felt Like Royalty At Lunch

Cosmin set up lunch at a boutique hotel that is part of Clos d'Estournel, but separate from the Saint-Estephe winery.

It's an absolutely spectacular setting out in the back of the chateau/hotel.  The weather was as perfect as the setting.  The grounds are spectacular, and the food was quite good.

We were at a table for eight (Cosmin joined us), and the wine and conversation flowed easily.  We will get The Bordeaux Seven together again, even if it takes a year or two.

There were two other couples already there at separate tables, but they were so far away to even notice.  And, they finished up well before and left us to a mostly private lunch.

I'm not sure what else there is to write in this post, as I'm NOT going to post a play-by-play of us lifting our forks to our mouths to eat, so let's just get to the photos:

L to R: Carol, Jamie, Scott,
Cosmin, Jennifer, Don,
and Lisa.  Yours truly was
behind the camera.

The back of the chateau -- we were
under the two umbrellas in the middle.

So I'm pretty sure I want a lion
statue for the backyard, but now
I'm thinking maybe an elephant?
We'd be winners either way.

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