Sunday, September 1, 2024

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

After the unsuccessful 45 minute boat tour, Carol and Maddy suggested an excellent Plan B.  

We went back to the apartment, reloaded, and headed to the Jadran Beach Club to spend the morning, and, as it turns out, much of the afternoon.

It turns out if you are occupying part of the long wall bench, you don't have to pay a fee.  You do have to order drinks, so we started with Coke zero (for Carol) and sparkling water (for me).  

Maddy had already gone swimming.  Because the water is protected by the spit of land, the sea is not rough where we went swimming.  

After a bit, Carol and I went in for a swim (or for a "soak" as they say in St. John, USVI).  After that, we upped our drink orders to beer (for me) and pina coladas (for the ladies).

Swimming was pleasant, the beach was fun, the drinks went perfectly with the sun, all in all it turned out better (and cheaper) than spending the day in a boat on the rough Adriatic.

I went in several times -- the water is so clear I could see the large stones ten feet down like they just below me.  They also had the best swim stairs to get into and out of the water I've ever seen -- each step was nice and wide, and the steps were not straight up/down -- there was a gradual angle so it was easier to get out of the water.

At lunch time, Maddy volunteered to walk to the nearby sandwich shop, and she brought back fine sandwiches for each of us.  They weren't the most impressive sandwiches ever, but they sure hit the spot, along with the can of Pringles Carol had brought along.

It was so pleasant we ended up staying till around 3pm, and made us forget all about the boat trip from heck earlier that morning.  (Calling it the "boat trip from hell" doesn't really work, as it was uncomfortable and not fun, but neither did the boat flip over nor did anyone die.)

(Editor: Good thing you've set out the parameters for the difference between a boat trip from heck and one from hell.

Writer: "Hell" seems overdoing it, whilst "heck" is right on the mark.)

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