Friday, September 6, 2024

Photos From Blaye


Vineyard and barn along the bank of the
river/Route de la Cornice, named after
the famous Montreal Canadiens player.

All along the watchtower.

The pictures are put in the blog out of
order by the blog program.  This is the
City of Wine interactive museum in the
city of Bordeaux.  We didn't go, but I took
this as we cruised past after departing
the dock.

The spires of the Church of 
Saint Louis, taken from afar.

At one of the Blaye Citadel gates.

Part of the walls.

Another gate photo.

The moat.

An inner defensive wall gate.

The inner most part of the Blaye Citadel.

Another key part of the inner
citadel.  Many of the stones were
carted away by locals for their
own buildings.

Goats: Hangin' out...down the street.
The same old thing...we did last week.
Not a thing to do
but talk to you.
Not a thing to do out in the street....oh yeah.

Countin' flowers on the wall,
that don't bother me at all.

A look from a commanding position.

Our ship for the week.

A look at the Citadel of
Blaye from the ship.

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