Thursday, September 12, 2024

Photos of Saint-Emilion

Douves du Palais Cardinal

This photo taken from in town aiming
out of town.  It's a pretty quick transition!

Saint-Emilion's WW I 
War Memorial

The best cloisters are still in Portugal,
but this one is pretty great too.

Ignore the fact that I'm looking at the
wrong end of the camera (as happens
frequently) -- instead, note the art
on the wall of the cloister through
the arches across the way.

Part of the town.  I wish we had better
weather and more time to explore

Someone said they couldn't remember
what the French flag looked like. I
noted it is "all white."  I was joking.
Americans should never be confused
just how important France's support was
in winning the American Revolution.

If we had stayed for lunch in Saint-Emilion,
that's where we would have eaten.

Huge church tower.
Itty-bitty clock.

Saint-Emilion probably has more wine
shops per total number of buildings
than any town we've been to.

Entrance to the Monolithic
Church.  Remember, this is
carved into a limestone

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