Monday, September 9, 2024

Pictures From An Brief Afternoon In Bourg

Frustratingly, the blog program has once again flipped the order of the photos.  I wish I knew how to stop it from doing that, but I don't.  So, here you go. . .

Two towers from the ship.

That's one way to advertise
your region's product.

I wish our lavender continued
flowering into late August.

Bottles of the nearly 200 different
Cotes du Bourg wines available.

The limestone cave, full of wine and people.

It wasn't market day, but the site is awesome.

The gate from above.

The gate from below.

A view of the village on the cliffs.

Formerly the town laundry room.

Bourg as we're docking.

On the cliffside.

Down by the port.  Glen,
Jennifer, Don and Carol.

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