Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Good Walk, Unspoiled

The official voyage flag.

This is an establishing shot.  It shows we are
cool because we zodiac to shore from a 
Nat Geo ship in the Arctic.

At the beginning of each hike, we listen intently
to our leader (Stefano in this case), hoping to
retain 10% of what he says.

The cliffs of insanity.

Whale vertebre

More reindeer.

These birds have Skua'd priorities.

The reindeer were so spooked being
trapped between two hiking groups
that all they could do is eat.  Which is
pretty much what they always do.

No reindeer were harmed in the taking of this photo.

An Arctic fox trap.

Outlined against a blue-gray June sky,
the Lone Zodiac Driver rode again. 
(Anybody get the reference?) 

These are some sort of flowers.

Saxifrage are everywhere.

Gold carts from a failed mining venture.

A nesting bird.

Two hardy pioneers sit on their thrones.

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