Sunday, June 17, 2018


I finally can report an honest-to-God puffin sighting!  We zodiac'd over past numerous seabirds to the cliffs.  As we were almost there, I saw a puffin flying -- I may have shrieked like a teeny-bopper at a Beatles concert.  They dipped and dove, flying out in search of fish, and then heading back to the cliffs.  

We moved very close to the cliff, and you could dozens of them nesting.  With the waves bouncing the zodiac, it was hard to steady the camera to shoot the puffins clearly.  I have multiple pictures of cliffs with no birds if you want to see pointless photos.  Eventually I stopped taking pictures and just enjoyed the view.

This might be a Northern Fulmar.  Or not.
If you know what this is, and other birds I've
tentatively ID'd are, don't hesitate to let me know. 

Not sure what kind of gulls these are.
Maybe kittiwakes, but seems like
the wings are too black.

OMG -- I discovered a new bird mutation --
extra wings growing out of a head!  I am
going to be renowned throughout the
world of science AND birders! 

Oh.  Sigh.  Never mind.

There are at least five puffins in this picture.
Click on the pic to enlarge, and see if you
can spot all five.  A sort of Where's Puffo

These two are easier to find.

Brunnich's Guillemot.  The bird is also known
as a Thick-billed Murre because, why not!

I've seen puffins in the Arctic.  It's a pretty good life.

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