Thursday, June 14, 2018

So Twenty Photos Of A Quality Bear Is Too Many, But Nineteen Is Just Fine

A magnificent creature!
(as they say in the nature documentaries)

Stretch time!

Apparently we were boring him.

Taking a look for food?

It frequently snows in June.

I'm guessing the polar is off the port side.
Good thing the ship didn't tip over!

Our 35 pound Labradoodle, Luna, crosses
her paws like that sometimes when she sits.
Luna's paws are smaller.

Nap time.

Now he's reflecting on his life.

To give you an idea of how much ice there
was around him, here's a non-zoomed picture.

So, does his tongue help sniff the air?

Another reflection shot.

With my eye, I spy something. . .white!

A dripping polar bear can be quite fascinating.

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